Home > Rolling it on the Lord's back

Rolling it on the Lord's back

August 12th, 2008 at 04:15 am

"Imagine the fear and guilt as part of you. Truly experience it. Then take a step back and see the fear as a separate thing. You can touch it, but you can retract your fingers. You still remain as you, whole."

I had been experiencing these feelings at work. It all stemmed from the "slave mentality" - the one who does the most work feels the least guilt. And I had just rejected an extra assignment (for valid reasons). But feelings of guilt remained. And fear. What would "they" think of me? Do they see me as a non-team player? Never mind that I've worked hard on extra assignments in previous years. Never mind that I find it hard to say "no".

So BF was trying to be my voice of reason.

I said,"I find this exercise hard to do. The concept is too abstract."

BF said,"Try viewing fear as a pencil. You touch it, twirl it round your fingers. You grab it, it's part of you. But you can put it down."

Me: Still abstract. Surely it's easier to give it all to the Lord & say,"I can't, Lord, but You can?"

BF: Sure. Roll it on the Lord's back. There. It's gone.

And this worked for me.

2 Responses to “Rolling it on the Lord's back”

  1. sillyoleme Says:

    I try to do this, but it's hard for me because I'm kind of a control freak about things. It takes a while before I remind myself that I don't have to solve everything myself.

  2. themoneyadventurista Says:

    I know. I find it VERY hard. I always over-analyse, replay the situation in my head, play out "what-if" scenarios. Yesterday, I felt like I'd managed to let the matter go. Today, something happened and I started to re-analyse it. I could go mad this way!

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